Eye tests and treatments

Your child’s healthy vision is our mission. Our Eye Program provides accurate diagnoses and treatments for a wide range of childhood eye conditions.

The difference between optometry and ophthalmology

While both optometry and ophthalmology concern eye health, there is a difference between the two.

Optometry focuses on vision care. Optometrists specialize in the prescription and fitting of glasses and contact lenses. Optometrists can diagnose and treat many eye conditions. Our optometrists have completed an optometry residency. 

Ophthalmology focuses on eye health. Ophthalmologists specialize in eye health and the biology of vision. Our ophthalmologists have had at least three years in a hospital-based residency, have completed a two year pediatric ophthalmology fellowship and have established expertise in the medical and surgical treatment of eye conditions.

The services we offer include:

  • Vision tests for children of all ages with optometry services
  • Treatment of eye injuries
  • Comprehensive optometry and ophthalmology services
  • Ophthalmic genetics
  • Orthoptics
  • Amblyopia and motility clinics
  • Rehabilitation services

Comprehensive optometry and ophthalmology services

Eye examinations

The tests we perform at Children’s provide a complete view of your child’s eyesight. We also evaluate the overall health of your child’s eyes. In the exam, we check visual acuity and thoroughly examine your child for glaucoma, cataracts and other eye conditions. We also check for color blindness and visual tracking issues.

Read more about visual screening and eye examinations 

Eye glasses and contacts lenses

If your child does not see well, we may recommend glasses or contacts to help improve his or her vision. Glasses have specially designed lenses that will correct your child’s vision. Whether myopic (near-sighted) or hyperopic (far-sighted), we will find the best prescription for your child.

If you or your child are interested in contact lenses as an alternate solution, we will discuss the pros and cons of contacts and help you make the best decision for your child.

Read more about eye glasses and contact lenses

Ophthalmic genetics

At Children’s, we have ophthalmologists who devote their time to genetic diseases of the eye. At their disposal are the clinical and research tools that allow them to diagnose and treat eye conditions that have been inherited. They can also help you understand the risks associated with these genetic eye diseases.


Orthoptics is a type of therapy that helps retrain the eyes. Commonly called orthoptic therapy, orthoptics is a program of visual activities, tailored to your child, designed to correct certain visual problems or improve visual skills. At Children’s, we offer treatment in the form of therapy for eye conditions such as amblyopia (lazy eye), nystagmus (involuntary eye movement), and binocular vision.

Amblyopia and motility clinics

Once diagnosed with amblyopia by one of our pediatric specialists, your child will be referred to the orthoptic clinic for further evaluation. Our orthoptists hold weekly motility clinics and see patients on a 4-6 week basis, or once every three months, depending on the severity of the amblyopia.

Rehabilitation services

We work closely with rehabilitation services such as Vision Forward and Milwaukee County’s Birth to 3 Program. Through their services, children who are blind or visually impaired learn how to make the most of their remaining vision to maximize their level of independence.

Read more about Vision Forward

Read more about Milwaukee County’s Birth to 3 Program


Make an appointment

To make an appointment, call our Central Scheduling team or request an appointment online.

(877) 607-5280

Request an appointment

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